Services offered:
Impact studies
Sound levels
Management support
The analysis of noise exposure contours can be used to determine the amplitude (noise intensity) and extent (surface area) of the areas affected by airport noise, as well as the number of people living in those areas.
Hypothetical example
awareness to environmental noise is increasing. Noise has become a strategic
issue for the
sustainable development of airports that must be well integrated into their
We offer specialized services to help airports manage
noise. INM
The Integrated Noise Model (INM) has been developped by the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to develop noise exposure charts. It has been used in many countries to assess the noise impact from entirely new airports or modifications to the runways or traffic demand or fleet mix of existing airports and develop compatible land use plans. INM includes an extensive database of commercial aircraft, military aircraft, and helicopter performance based on their engine types. It also incorporates standard an VNAP vertical profiles to represent the real world as close as possible. Several metrics can be computed by INM including Leq, Lamax, DNL, CNEL, SEL, Time above, and others. The model of the airport takes into account all the significant parameters including the airport layout, runway utilization, flight tracks, aircraft types, engine types, trip length, day-night distribution, etc. The modeling requires movements databases and flight tracks which are obtained from government authorities, traffic control agencies, aiports authorities, or from noise monitoring systems. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and CAD systems are used for post-processing and presentation. NEF
In Canada, the calculation and presentation of airport noise have been standardized by Transport Canada using Noise Exposure Forecast (NEF) contours. NEF's are used all across Canada for land use planning and public information. TP-1247, published by Transport Canada, provides guidance on compatible land use planning. Long-term noise exposure projections are also part of the airport master plan. The NEF takes into account aircraft type, runways, flight paths, flight distance, number of day and night flights, activity increase/decrease, and aircraft fleet upgrading. The study area encompassed by the calculation grid varies from several hundred to several thousand square kilometres. The calculation takes into account a whole year's aircraft movements, compiled from a comprehensive movements database obtained from Statistics Canada, NavCanada or the airport noise monitoring system (GEMS, ANOMS, etc.).
The services we offer cover all aspects of
the production of noise exposure contours, from data collection to the preparation
of presentation documents. We use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and CAD systems for post-processing
and presentation. N70
In the past few years, a new supplementary metric has been used in many aiports in many countries. The N70, the number of flights louder than 70 dB(A), is gaining popularity for its capacity to provide a commication tool easily understood by the people living around the airport while having the same technical and scientific validity as the traditional metrics. The Transparent Noise Information Package (TNIP), developed by the Australian Department of Transport and Regional Services (DOTARS), is the computer application enabling the generation of N70 charts. TNIP can generate charts for any chosen noise level, not only 70 dB(A), N55 and N60 charts have been produced for some airports. TNIP uses as input the detailed grid for Lamax produced by INM. The basic aircraft noise modeling is performed by INM.
While TNIP provides an excellent interactive visual interface, we also use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and CAD systems
for post-processing and presentation.
Mitigation measures
The choice of mitigation measures is based on the set goal; it could be to control the noise nuisance of the overall airport operation, deal with specific types of operations (night flights, ground operation, general aviation, heavy aircrafts, engine run-ups, etc.), focus on a specific geographic, highly populated or neighbouring area. Community expectations must also be considered.
Following are examples of
mitigation measures :
Some mitigation measures are subject to national regulations
and must follow a strict implementation process. Services
we offer in the area of mitigation measures are: Choice and design of mitigation measures On-site or simulated testing Consultation of stakeholders Costing Implementation support
Impact studies
Comprehensive impact studies may be required when
contemplating operational or infrastructure changes or introducing mitigation measures,
either as a decision input or public information tool.
The methodology generally includes the characterization of
the existing noise (measured or calculated), sound level predictions, impact
evaluation of specific scenarios, and recommendations.
Noise exposure contours must sometimes be used, but
other metrics (equivalent sound level, maximum sound level, N70, etc.) could also highlight
specific effects of the impact source.
The choice of the methodology and metrics are part of the
services we offer in relation to impact studies.
Sound Levels
Many airports are
already equipped with noise monitoring systems (GEMS, ANOMS, etc.). Such systems involve
a significant investment, both at the financial and human resources levels. Initial
choices are key factors to determine the size of the investment and staff workload.
To airports in
the process of acquiring a noise monitoring system, we offer our expertise for the
analysis of requirements, microphone location, call for tender documents, tender
analysis, acceptance tests, etc.
To airports
already using a noise monitoring system, we offer solutions aimed at reducing the workload of
their staff: system configuration (base detection, routes, reports, etc.), addition
of mobile units, calibration, data transfer to a geographic information system (GIS)
allowing the integration of flight track data, noise contours, routes, geographic data, and
demographic data.
We also offer noise measurement services for short-term requirements.
Management support
Airport noise
management is a multi-faceted problem involving intricate physical configuration, demographic
environment, and political issues.
Support in the
preparation of a noise management program, noise level measurement programs, surveys and
technical documents for the noise management committees are among the services we offer. AboutFollowing are examples of projects we carried out:
While noise management is our primary area of expertise, we are supported by a network of specialists in air traffic regulation, safety, GIS systems, and noise measurements. LinksTransport Canada, NEF computer program: Environment - NEF Transport Canada, Land Use in the Vicinity of Airports:TP 1247E Transport Canada, Implementation of New or Amended Noise Abatement Procedures: AC 302-002 Transport Canada, Air Traffic Designators: TP143 Transport Canada: Canadian Aviation Regulations: CARs NavCanada: NAV CANADA FAA, Noise Levels for U.S. Certified and Foreign Aircraft: AC 36-1H FAA, Estimated Airplane Noise Levels in A-Weighted Decibels: AC 36-3H FAA, Integrated Noise Model: INM ICAO, Annex 16: ICAO Aéroports de Montréal, Soundscape Management: ADM San Francisco Airport, flight tracks: SFO Boeing, Airport Noise Regulation Information: Boeing Brüel & Kjaer, noise seminars: B&K Standards: ISO Standards Catalogue Acoustical Society of America: ASA Canadian Acoustical Association: ACA Institute of Noise Control Engineering: INCE Federal Interagency Committee on Aviation Noise: FICAN NRC, house insulation: IBANA Airport Locator: Air Routing International Inc. Airport Locator: Landings Aviation's Databases FAA aircraft registration: FAA Aircraft Registration Inquiry Transport Canada registration: Canadian Civil Aircraft Register Looking for something ? Contact me. Contact
254 Chemin Smith Canton de Cleveland
(Quebec) J0B 2H0 Tel.: 819 826-1489